Building Guidelines
We are pleased to announce that we have resumed worship services on Sundays at 9:30 A.M. The services are in a modified format. We have created social distance-related guidelines, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, based on advice from the ELCA Synod and Phase 4 of the State of Illinios’ recovery plan. These guidelines have been posted in different areas of our building. If you are not yet comfortable with attending worship, or if you do not feel well, please stay home, and feel free to join us via Zoom by going to >>> Our Online Service Instructions. Our office is now open on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 9:00am to 2:00pm, and at other times when necessary.
No more than fifty (50) people allowed in Sanctuary.
Masks are required for entry. Everyone over the age of two (2) are required to wear a mask over their mouth and nose at all times.
Worship leader(s) can remove mask while speaking if within the communion rail, and following the CDC guidelines (social distancing of 6 feet or more)
Use hand sanitizer upon entry to building.
Attendance log will be used at every service or meeting. Documentation will be by one (1) designated person, preferably an usher. Documents will be destroyed 21 days after event if no one reports contagion of Covid-19.
Nursery will not be open for supervision of children.
Doors to Sanctuary will be open during occupancy to avoid touching door handles.
Designated seating positions will be marked with proper social distancing. Occupants of the same household may sit together.
Upon dismissal, parishioners will exit the sanctuary through the center doors and proceed directly out of the building. A collection plate for offering envelopes will be stationed in the narthex.
Any social interaction outdoors should adhere to social distancing and use of face masks.
Requesting only one person at a time in restrooms.
Restrooms will be provided with waste baskets and hand sanitizer dispensers near the door.
Use of north wing and individual meeting rooms is prohibited at this time.
Use of fellowship halls for communal eating is prohibited.
When entering the sanctuary for worship services on Sunday, please take a container with a wafer and communion wine with you to your seat.
Each group using the facilities is required to follow these guidelines and sanitize area of use after activities are completed.